Beauty, Fashion, Life, Food.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

My Blogging Break...

Hi to anyone who is reading this word vomit of a blog post. After nearly 5 months of not writing or reading any posts my fingers are itching to get back to the keyboard and to what I really do love doing.
My break was a pretty spur of the moment decision, although I hadn't been loving blogging for a while I never thought I'd delete all my blogging social media and just throw in the hat but one day I just did. I deactivated Twitter and Instagram I left the lovely blogging chat I was a part of without even an explanation or a goodbye. I felt like I just needed to quit. I needed to clear my head of everything, and this blog that I created over the past year was a part of that clear out. However over the past few weeks I couldn't stop thinking about how I wanted to write. I found inspiration in everything I saw and so I'm back and hopefully it's for the long run! So now I've put that out there I feel like I can begin posting again. I've made a few changes to make my blog a bit more up-to-date and have deleted all my posts so I can start afresh which was scary but necessary. With one of the biggest changes in my life about to occur (university) I couldn't be more excited to start back up and share my experiences. 
So thank you for reading and I'll chat to you again very soon! 


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