Beauty, Fashion, Life, Food.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Long Distance Relationships

 As of September 2017, my boyfriend of 18 months and I both went to university, him in Cardiff and me in Southampton, there is a 2 hour 30 minute train journey now between us. I know that for a lot of people, that isn't that far at all, however when we are back home we are a 10 minute drive away from each other so when we moved, it was really hard to adjust to. So, I thought I'd write a bit about how we keep our relationship as good as it can be when we don't see each other for a while. Enjoy and I hope this helps anyone else in a similar situation.


Saturday, 13 January 2018

My New Favourite Makeup Items

For Christmas I was gifted a few new makeup products and was so grateful, I've been using them everyday since! I thought I would share them with you incase you can pick them up in the sale if you like the sound of them, I hope you enjoy!


Saturday, 6 January 2018

My Top 5 Vegan Restaurants and Options

I'm not sure if this is something I have mentioned on my blog before but I have been vegan for 3 years this year! 3 years ago all I could eat in restaurants were salad and chips, with nowhere near where I live having specifically vegan options. However, with it being veganuary and veganism now being so popular I thought I would share some of my favourite amazing restaurants that have specifically vegan options and menu's and so people know how easy it is to eat out as a vegan! Enjoy. 

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