Beauty, Fashion, Life, Food.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

The Autumn Tag...

Launching into all things Autumn I have decided to do a little Autumn Tag, I found this one on if you wanted to check that one out as well! I hope you enjoy!!

Sunday, 22 October 2017

University- Surviving my first month!

So, last time we talked, I was off on my university adventure and I was extremely nervous but so so excited and that's pretty much still the case. If you want some more in depth about my experiences here then please read on!

Sunday, 24 September 2017

My Favourite Perfumes...

I've worked at Boots for the past year and when I started I was put in the fragrance section, from that day forward I became addicted to perfume! Ok, it's not that extreme but my love for fragrance grew and I have found 4 fragrances that I really love and wanted to share with you. So I hope you enjoy!


Sunday, 17 September 2017

My Daily Makeup Routine...

Makeup is one of my favourite things to do in the morning, as soon as I have my makeup on I feel ready to tackle the day. Almost all the products I use are drugstore, I don't particularly prefer drugstore brands it just so happens that at the moment these are the products I use and they work for me! All products are linked below the post with prices and all brushes I could link are linked in the post if there are any you want to try!

Sunday, 10 September 2017

University: First Year Shopping List- Kitchen and Stationary

Hello! As a join on from last weeks post I'm going to finish off my first year at university shopping list. This is everything I will be buying and taking into halls with me to help me survive on my own for a year, so without further ado, here is my list for Kitchen and Stationary!

Monday, 21 August 2017

University: First Year Shopping List- Bedroom and Bathroom...

Hello! As my amazing Gap Year is coming to an end and the reality of university is starting to kick in I am extremely nervous and as usual, turning to my blog for comfort. For the first time in 19 years I'll be living independently without either of my parents around to help, I will have to try and work my way around the food shopping, washing machine and waking up to my first alarm on my own! So if you're at the stage of shopping for your university room and lectures then keep reading for some inspiration!
I have also split these into categories for Bedroom, Kitchen and Stationary because otherwise this blogpost would have gone on forever! So today we're starting with bedroom and Bathroom...


Sunday, 13 August 2017

University- To go or not to go...

Hello! Ok so the first step in my university series is a discussion on whether university is actually the right option for you. Now when I was deciding whether I wanted to go to Uni or take another route I was constantly looking for posts like this to tell me exactly what to do so before we get into it, this post will not make up your mind for you, only you can decide if you really want to go or not and as hard as it is, you will be able to make up your mind eventually. This post is here to give you pros, cons and other options that might appeal to you more. So if you're interested please keep reading!


Sunday, 6 August 2017

CUBA- My Travels

Cuba is fastly becoming a popular tourist destination due to it's extremely interesting history, incredibly different culture and amazing beaches (just thinking about the beaches is giving me holiday blues!!). I was lucky enough to spend 2 whole weeks in this amazing place this summer and I wanted to share my experience, I hope you enjoy! 

Saturday, 29 July 2017

My Blogging Break...

Hi to anyone who is reading this word vomit of a blog post. After nearly 5 months of not writing or reading any posts my fingers are itching to get back to the keyboard and to what I really do love doing.
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