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Sunday, 22 October 2017

University- Surviving my first month!

So, last time we talked, I was off on my university adventure and I was extremely nervous but so so excited and that's pretty much still the case. If you want some more in depth about my experiences here then please read on!

OK, lets talk about freshers week. The two weeks I really wasn't sure I was cut out for, I'm not the biggest drinker in the world and a bit of a hermit so the idea of drinking and going out every night was daunting but I definitely embraced it. What helped a lot was the fact that I live with a really lovely group of people who made every night so much more fun and I am so happy that I didn't let anything get in the way and had a really good first 2 weeks!

Now onto feeling homesick. I managed to stop this happening too often by keeping myself busy, as in I was never alone and I was on a train every weekend not going home but going and seeing other people which make me feel more happy and calm and I beat the initial homesickness. I went home this past weekend and as lovely as it was, it was a very weird experience, you realise everything is carrying on as normal back home and when you go back for the most part everything will just feel normal. I've spoken to a few of my friends here about it and we all felt like it's 2 separate lives, where you have your home life and your family and everything there and then your uni life with your new friends and it's in a new place and you're not a different person but they aren't particularly connected. However it was nice to go back and feel like I just slotted straight back in to my life back home. 

Lectures are different but I'm enjoying it. Having taken a gap year, I finished school for over a year before coming to university and I know that doesn't seem like a lot but it definitely made a difference. I wasn't the biggest fan of school and in the first week some lectures did feel a little bit like I was sat back in that classroom and the anxious feelings re arose. However as it has become more learning than introduction, it could not be more different. Everything is so much more relaxed, the lecturers don't expect you to act like you did in school, from my experience anyway. Seminars are more interesting to me as this is where the discussion part takes place, it's so interesting to debate and discuss what we are studying and I can genuinely say my mind is already expanded and it's only been 4 weeks. 

Making friends and flatmates was something I was terrified about but like everything else it just kind of fell into place. I am lucky I have both really lovely flatmates and some nice course mates which made everything a whole lot easier. We definitely don't all click and are not all best friends but everyone does get a long and I actually love living in halls so much more than I ever though I would and it's down to my three new favourite people who are making this experience as amazing as it is. 

I think I've pretty much covered the 4 weeks here! A lot has gone on and a lot has changed and I am so happy and grateful that this experience for me has been a really amazing one. I have definitely not always been 100% happy here, everyone has bad days, but being around such nice people has made those days so much easier to cope with because everyone is feeling the same way and is in the same boat. Anyway, thank you so much for reading and I can't wait to write some more! 


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