Beauty, Fashion, Life, Food.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Top Tips for Interrailing/Travelling

Over a year ago (March 13th 2017) to be exact, I went interrailing with one of my closest friends around Europe. It was one of the most out there things I have ever done and took a lot for me to do. I may one day write about why it was so hard for me and how proud I was of myself for doing it but that is for another post! I have decided, with summer coming up, to write a list of some of my best tips for anyone deciding to go travelling or interrailing. If anyone reading this is considering it but isn't sure my only bit of advice is DO IT! You'll regret it if you don't and you won't if you will. So, here are some of my best tips for interrailing/travelling, enjoy! 

Saturday, 14 April 2018

My Summer 2018 Bucket List

It is taking everything I have to stay happy and positive in this cold, wet, dreary weather, one of the only ways I am managing it, is the thought of summer being just around the corner. It seems like we have one sunny day and everything seems so exciting then the next day it will POUR with rain and we're back to square one. So I decided to do some positive productive thinking and write a list of goals for this summer! Enjoy!

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