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Saturday, 21 April 2018

Top Tips for Interrailing/Travelling

Over a year ago (March 13th 2017) to be exact, I went interrailing with one of my closest friends around Europe. It was one of the most out there things I have ever done and took a lot for me to do. I may one day write about why it was so hard for me and how proud I was of myself for doing it but that is for another post! I have decided, with summer coming up, to write a list of some of my best tips for anyone deciding to go travelling or interrailing. If anyone reading this is considering it but isn't sure my only bit of advice is DO IT! You'll regret it if you don't and you won't if you will. So, here are some of my best tips for interrailing/travelling, enjoy! 

1. Don't use a suitcase. I know you may feel like you're back doing DofE with one of those huge 'Go Outdoors' back packs on but it is 100% the most practical thing to take with you. The separate pockets on the side and in the top of the backpack are so useful for cereal bars/crisps/snacks you want to bring and if they're not completely full they're really good for holding your dirty washing separate from your clean stuff. Also, you won't be the only one with a backpack, most people travel that way. 

2. Book with a company. My friend and I booked through, Interrailing Packages, and from our experience this was the best company. They had a 24/7 helpline so if a train got cancelled or we missed one we could message them and they would let us know what we could do, they were extremely helpful. We also had our journey mapped out for us, trains booked, hotels booked, city guides, itineraries, information about each country and it was all in a handy little app. The only thing we had to book, was our flights there and back. It was effortless and, from hearing other peoples experiences, the easiest way to plan your travelling. I would recommend their Backpacker Hostel Package, for the most authentic interailling experience.

3. It will be hard to do clothes washing. Not all of the hostels we stayed at had clothes washing facilities and when they did it was not particularly cheap. Luckily, I had figured that this was going to be the case before we went so I went to primark and bought lots of tshirts, pants, bras and jumpers that I knew would get me through the 3 weeks without having to worry about washing.

4. Book excursions before you go. The company we booked with, Interrailing packages, had the option to also book some excursions (with discounts) for the different countries we were in. This meant we got to visit so many places and not have to worry about using the spending money we were taking with us because it was all pre booked, and the discount they offered really made a difference. This also meant we could plan our days ahead as in some countries we only had one full day and wanted to make the most out of it. 

5. Change all your money with one company. The travel agents I visited was really great and the lady who helped me change my money was so incredibly helpful. She let me know how much each currency was worth and what I should expect the price of things to be in each place, along with extra tips and tricks. She also gave me little money holders and wrote the country and currency on them so I wouldn't get confused. I know not all places are this helpful but I felt because I had done the whole process and explained what I needed and what I was doing I got the best service I could. 

These are some of my top tips for interrailing/travelling! If you have any more questions just leave them in the comments or message me on any of my social media, linked below. I hope you enjoyed reading and if you're off on your travels soon, make the most of it and have an amazing time! 

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