1. Spend as much time as possible with my family and friends. This may seem simple to most people but if you have read any of my past posts or follow me on any social media, you will probably know I'm at university. This means for the majority of the year, I'm a 2 hour drive away from all my family and friends back home. So while I'm back over summer, as tempting as it's going to be to go and do my own thing and go and travel to see all the new amazing friends I've made from uni, I want to direct most of my time to my family and friends at home! I've missed them all a lot!
2. Read books that aren't just on my reading list. I'm an English student and this means I get to read so many amazing new books I never would've even looked at. However, this also means I don't get to read so many other book I know I'll love because I do not have the time or the brain space. So, while I'm on my holidays or chilling in the sun (if it ever arrives) I cannot wait to read some of the books I've been eyeing up since last summer. Although I will still have a full reading list to complete for next year... wish me luck!
3. Don't worry about money. I'm going to be working a lot over summer, and I am so bad when it comes to spending my money, I love to have savings and hate when they dip below a certain number. But, I have worked very hard this year in other ways and I've not treated myself in a long while, so while I'm able to I want to enjoy being able to buy myself to some lovely things!
4. Spend time outside! I get in a bad habit when I'm home of waking up late, going to work (which is indoors) and then getting home from work and once again, sitting inside. One of my main goals this summer is to make the most of being back in the countryside (where I live when I'm home) and going on lovely walks with my dog and my family, going on bike rides and just generally getting some much needed fresh air and sunny weather!
5. Improve my skills. This is mainly to do with my degree, there's some parts that I have always struggled with when it comes to English, my main ones being punctuation and grammar and this has made a difference to my grades this year. I definitely want to improve for myself to not only make my life easier but also so I can do the best I possibly can. Seeing as English is something I enjoy, this hopefully won't feel too much like work to me, I think I'm going to actually like doing it but I'm sure if I hate it you'll hear about it on my twitter!
These are my main 5 goals for this summer! Let me know what some of yours are in the comments, I'd love to hear all about your summer plans!
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