Beauty, Fashion, Life, Food.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Vegan Easter Treats from UK Supermarkets

This is my third easter as a vegan now and the options available have got so much better, I have decided to list some vegan easter egg options below that you will find in your regular supermarket in the UK, including prices and links to buy them online! I hope you find this helpful and find some yummy treats!

Saturday 3 March 2018

20 things I've learnt in 20 years

So, Wednesday the 28th of February was my 20th birthday. Now, I know I'm still young but not being in my 'teens' anymore and being categorised as being in my 'twenties' is something I'm really scared about for many reasons and maybe I'll write a post on what I want to achieve in my 20's in the future however for now, this is 20 things I've learnt in 20 years. Enjoy!
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